Sports Premium
Primary School PE and Sport Funding
The PE and Sport allocation is funding provided to schools in addition to main school funding. This funding is ring-fenced and therefore can only be spent on the provision of PE and sport in schools. Funding for schools will be calculated by reference to the number of primary-aged pupils.
It is for schools to decide how the PE and Sport funding is spent, since they are best placed to assess what additional provision should be made to enhance the provision for PE in school. Schools are to be held accountable for how they have used the additional funding.
Possible uses for the funding might include:
- Hiring specialist PE teachers or qualified sports coaches to work with primary teachers to improve their teaching of PE;
- Supporting and engaging the least active children;
- Paying for professional development opportunities for teachers in PE and sport;
- Providing cover to release primary teachers for professional development in PE and sport;
- Providing places for pupils on after school sports clubs and holiday clubs.
PE and Sports premium at Manor Field Junior School
Funding for schools is calculated by reference to the number of primary-aged pupils (between the ages of 5 and 11), as recorded in the annual schools census in January.
Manor Field Junior School is committed to enabling all pupils to achieve to the best of their abilities in a range of activities which promote a physically active lifestyle. As well as adopting healthy lifestyles we want our children to enjoy, regularly participate in and reach the highest sporting performance level they are capable of and can sustain into lifelong participation. We also want to encourage a healthy/ physical active lifestyle in and outside of school.
Our school takes a holistic approach to the development of sport and physical activity for all, and we encourage collaboration and partnership to make the best use of resources and enhance the profile of PE and sports provision; this in turn will increase participation and achievement levels for all pupils.
- All children benefit, regardless of ability;
- Staff have access to CPD and training opportunities;
- Subsidies will be available so that pupils do not miss opportunities due to financial restraints;
- We make use of collaborative and partnership working.
Please click on the links to find out more information about:
PE & Sport Premium Funding Impact Report March 2023 & Action Plan for 2023-2024
Sports Premium Funding 2022-2023
Sports Premium Funding 2021-2022 Evaluated