Welcome to Manor Field Junior School
Developing confident, responsible learners…
As staff, we are proud to tell you about our school where a commitment to Rights, Respecting Education underpins all of our work. This is only a snapshot; do arrange a visit to our school to find out more.
Ofsted visited our school in March 2024 and agreed with our judgements that we are a good school. To access a copy of our full report, please click here.
We value pupil participation in every aspect of our school day and when you visit, you will see this evident in every classroom. What you will notice is pupils engaged in a range of activities, sometimes working collaboratively, at other times with independence and at all times within a calm, purposeful and hardworking environment. Behaviour is good and if you talk to our pupils, their pride in their school is clear.
We believe that our pupils have much to offer and have high expectations for them.
We expect all of our pupils to be involved in decision making .This may include involvement in reviewing the policies which affect them. It also includes planning aspects of the curriculum and even risk assessment. Our pupils are brilliant at this and take their roles seriously; we believe that our pupils have much to offer and have high expectations for them as responsible citizens who contribute to school life, as well as to wider world issues.
We use our local environment as a stimulus for much of our learning and embed into our work a pride in Basingstoke and its facilities.
At Manor Field Junior School, we have designed our curriculum with pupils’ learning and development at the centre. We believe that the curriculum is a powerful tool that fosters a love of learning and willingness to explore. Therefore, we are committed to valuing and developing key learning attributes to equip children with the skills they need to learn effectively and to have the confidence to meet the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life. Our ultimate aim is for our pupils to be successful in the future, whatever their strengths. In addition, we use our local environment as a stimulus for much of our learning and embed into our work a pride in Basingstoke and its facilities. You can find out more details in our curriculum section but, when you visit Manor Field, the children’s work will demonstrate the high quality learning and pride in presentation.
Parents are a valued and important part of our school community.
Our Manor Field learner attributes are integrated through our curriculum. If your child comes home and tells you they have been resilient or curious today, please congratulate them and ask them to tell you how they demonstrated this!
Parents are a valued and important part of our school community, and we involve parents in all aspects of school life. Our Open Mornings provide a brilliant opportunity for parents to find out how their child is learning and are superbly supported by parents, grandparents and siblings.
There is so much more we can tell you about Manor Field Junior School: our superb learning environment (including outside learning), excellent displays of children’s work and, most importantly, a team of excellent teachers and support staff. We encourage you to take the time to come and see us in action where we live by our ethos of, "We believe we can...!"
We look forward to meeting you.
Lawrence Britt, Headteacher & The Manor Field Staff Team